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Help for Self-Help on the Philippines
The mission of the German NGO "Task Force Carabao" is to stimulate and support self-help of the people in the Philippines. More than one half of the Filipino people exists below the poverty line. The Carabao as indispensable beast of burden in the Philippines is a symbol for urgently necessary help. Task Force Carabao supports non-formal education for the children of the refugee site Kara-an, Negros Occidental, the Children Learning center Batang Pit-os in Cebu City, the foundation Batang Pinangga for abused children in Triumfo, Carmen, Cebu and a project for health-care and health education in Bohol.
Task Force Carabao has been
founded in 1994 by members of the Coordination Group
for the Philippines of Amnesty International Germany. Our
main goal is the implementation of human rights in the
Philippines, particularly social, economic and cultural rights.
Task Force Carabao is licensed by the German authorities. The
projects in the Philippines are funded by mostly small givers.
Besides funding projects within the limits of our very small
budget it is very important for us to promote the mutual
understanding of people in the Philippines and in Germany by
information and personal contact.
German Bank Account: 5854468, Sparkasse Dueren, BLZ 39550110
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since beginning of 2002
e-mail: aktion-wasserbueffelatt-online.de
Task Force Carabao
(Aktion Wasserbueffel
c/o Helga und Dr. Jochen Range
Artilleriestr. 35
52428 Juelich, Germany